iac's Website


India Against Corruption ("IAC") is a people's organisation affiliated to the Hindustan Republican Association which was founded on 3 October,1924 at Kanpur (United Provinces). It is today one of the secular "public" faces of the HRA movement as outlined in the Yellow Paper.

The IAC movement today is an apolitical, secular, socialist, Republican, conservative, revolutionary, Hindutva movement. (NB: Hindutva is an ancient inclusive way of life inherently capable of harmoniously accommodating all faiths, religions and beliefs or non-beliefs).

As per IAC's ideology, "Hinduism is pre-eminently tolerant to all other religions and believes that each man will attain salvation if he follows his own religion" - Acharya RajNarayan Basu, 1873, Pradhanacharya Rammohun Roy, 1829 [1]

The sole objective of the India Against Corruption jan andolan is to rid the Greater Indian nation of corruption wherever found by all means necessary.

Charter Date: 25-December-2012

1) Core Values

1.001: India Against Corruption (IAC) is a pan-Indian apolitical body of persons that has initiated an anti-corruption movement as empowered citizens of India. The IAC believes that India's governance can be ensured through legitimate means by systematic combat of corruption and corrupt persons.

Accordingly, the IAC movement is directed at :-

(i) disseminating knowledge,

(ii) determining means and strategies to combat/control corruption,

(iii) empowering individuals, groups of individuals or like-minded associations fighting corruption or resolving grievances, etc, within the country.

1.002: IAC reaffirms its primary Constitutional duty to defend the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the nation and the people of India by all means. It respects the tenets and principles contained in the preamble of the Constitution of India, such as justice (social, economic, political), socialism, secularism, equality, liberty (of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, etc.) at all times.

1.003: IAC defines the corruption it opposes to be co-terminus with those offences punishable under :-

(i) Chapter III of The Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, or
(ii) Similar special laws in force within the territory of India or beyond, or
(iii) International treaties and conventions India is signatory to.

1.004: IAC consists of a diverse group of persons coming from varied ethnic backgrounds and from different professional careers. IAC’s members are committed to embracing its diversity, learning from each other, relying on individual strengths and communicating effectively.

1.005: IAC is committed to an onward outlook through crowd wisdom where independent private knowledge and conflict resolution are effectively utilized by committed members with the learning quickly imbibed and aggregated to attain measurable group objectives.

1.006: IAC respects cultures, backgrounds, ideas prevalent in the Indian States and the Union Territories and, therefore, abjures violence in the first instance.

2) Directive Principles

2.001: IAC emphasizes the primacy of the individual against collectives.

2.002: Acknowledging the primacy of the individual, IAC shall evolve into a group that combines drive, honesty, trust, and an ethic of hard work to create effective teams to combat internal corruption and defend the nation against external/foreign designs.

2.003: IAC’s teams and sub-committees shall be organized efficiently to best direct energies towards the emancipation of modern India

2.004: To uphold and defend the Constitution of India

2.005: Work for a transparent corruption free system of governance in India

2.006: Ensure free and fair judicial process in India

2.007: Empower individuals, groups of individuals and like minded associations to fight corruption at each level in India

3) Ground Rules and Guidelines

3.001: Indian movement
IAC members will respect the tenets and principles contained in the preamble to the Constitution of India, such as justice (social, economic political), socialism, secularism, equality, liberty (of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship etc.) at all times and abjure violence in the first instance.

3.002: An apolitical movement
Members or adherents of any political party will delink themselves from the movement and unsubscribe themselves from the IAC mailing list. Members will restrict their comments for or against any political party. Discussions or debates on alternate political systems will be discouraged.

3.003: An anti-corruption movement
IAC members will share knowledge directly relevant to corruption. eg. means and strategies to combat/control corruption and corrupt persons, and help/tips/tricks/advice on how individuals can go about fighting corruption or resolving their grievances, etc.

3.004: A Disciplined, Principled and Democratic People’s Movement
Members will go through, and be bound by, the movement’s operational and strategic principles contained in the IAC manifesto. There is no “High Command” in the IAC andolan. The role of IAC’s Core Committee is administrative, advisory and directionary.

3.005: A Patriotic Movement of Ancient Lineage and Revolutionary Spirit
Members will independently familiarise themselves with the morals, history and ideology of the parent ‘Hindustan Republican Association’ which secured independence for India from foreign rule in a non-sectarian and non-communal revolutionary manner.

3.006: Communication must be within the norms
Members will use crisp, decent language in their communication, with non-partisan, non-trolling opinions consistent with the objectives of the IAC.

Although as part of the group, we will respect the backgrounds and opinions of the members, lack of respect for one another in any regard will not be tolerated.

Misusing IAC communications on other fora will lead to removal of such a member from the IAC membership.

3.007: Membership
Membership will be subject to the approval of the core team. Like-minded individuals who are citizens of India, inclined towards working for India’s emancipation and reform, without ulterior motives, are welcome. It is mandatory for all primary members of IAC to subscribe to (and regularly read) the movement’s primary mailing list, which is also open to any person either as an “associate member” or as an “observer”.

3.008: Issues
Issues proposed for consideration to be taken up by IAC include

3.009: Flexibility
Members will adhere to any ground rules added, modified or deleted, as and when required, due to changed or unforeseen circumstances and/or due to exigencies

4) IAC philosophy
4.001: Empowered Citizenry
The IAC movement stands for the primacy of empowered citizens in a democracy. The IAC comprehensively rejects the flawed notions of “Parliamentary democracy”, “1 man 1 vote”, “political parties”, “caste based reservations”, and other divisive forms of oppression which suppress merit, promote mediocrity and misrule, and lead to concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few.

4.002: Secularism
The IAC movement supports whatever rights and laws different communities may demand for themselves, provided they do not clash with the interests of other communities or the national interest and are extended to all citizens. Hearty and organic union in different communities must be conducted under a Common Civil Code.

4.003: God
In the spiritual domain, the IAC movement aims at establishing that this world is real and the manifestation of the one individual soul, the supreme source of all power, all knowledge and all beauty. IAC maintains that every living being possesses the inherent power to communicate directly without the need for intermediaries and at any time or in any place or manner.

4.004: Integrity
The IAC team will abide by the guidelines and the spirit of the movement especially when it comes to personal honesty and integrity of members.

4.005: Social Networking Pages
IAC HQ does not have a functional Facebook page. Facebook poses a major security threat to the lives and privacy of citizens who register there. However, members of the movement may use Facebook or similar sites to propagate the IAC movement / ideology in an informal manner.
IAC HQ similarly believes that the ‘Twitterati’ phenomenon is intellectually ineffective and contrary to the long term goals of the movement.